မော်ဂျူး:Footnotes: တည်းဖြတ်မှု မူကွဲများ

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အရေးမကြီး "Module:Footnotes" ကို ကာကွယ်ထားသည် ([ပြင်​ဆင်​ရန်​=အလိုအလျောက် အတည်ပြုထားသော အသုံးပြုသူများကိုသာ ခွ...
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စာကြောင်း ၁ -
require('Module:No globals');
f = {
args_default = {
bracket_left = "",
bracket_right = "",
bracket_year_left = "",
bracket_year_right = "",
postscript = "",
page = "",
pages = "",
location = "",
page_sep = ", p. ",
pages_sep = ", pp. ",
ref = "",
P1 = "",
P2 = "",
P3 = "",
P4 = "",
P5 = ""
--[[--------------------------< A R G S _ D E F A U L T >------------------------------------------------------
function trim( str )
if str == nil then
return nil;
return str:match( "^%s*(.-)%s*$");
a table to specify initial values.
function core( args )
local args_default = {
bracket_left = '',
bracket_right = '',
bracket_year_left = '',
bracket_year_right = '',
postscript = '',
page = '',
pages = '',
location = '',
page_sep = ", p.&nbsp;",
pages_sep = ", pp.&nbsp;",
ref = '',
--[[--------------------------< I S _ Y E A R >----------------------------------------------------------------
evaluates param to see if it is one of these forms with or without lowercase letter disambiguator:
YYYY–YYYY (separator is endash)
YYYY–YY (separator is endash)
return true when param has a recognized form; false else
local function is_year (param)
return mw.ustring.match (param, '^%d%d%d%d?%l?$') or
mw.ustring.match (param, '^n%.d%.%l?$') or
mw.ustring.match (param, '^nd%l?$') or
mw.ustring.match (param, '^c%. %d%d%d%d?%l?$') or
mw.ustring.match (param, '^%d%d%d%d–%d%d%d%d%l?$') or
mw.ustring.match (param, '^%d%d%d%d–%d%d%l?$');
--[[--------------------------< C O R E >----------------------------------------------------------------------
returns an anchor link (CITEREF) formed from one to four author names, year, and insource location (|p=, |pp=, loc=)
local function core( args )
local result;
if args.P5 ~= ""'' then
if is_year (args.P5) then
result = args.P1 .. ' et al. ' .. args.bracket_year_left .. args.P5 ..
result = table.concat ({args.P1, ' et al. ', args.bracket_year_left, args.P5, args.bracket_year_right});
elseif args.P4 ~= "" then
args.P5 = ''; -- when P5 not a year don't include in anchor
result = args.P1 .. ', ' .. args.P2 .. ' &amp; ' .. args.P3 .. ' ' ..
result = table.concat ({args.P1, ' et al.'}); -- and don't render it
args.bracket_year_left .. args.P4 .. args.bracket_year_right;
elseif args.P3 ~= "" then
result = args.P1 .. ' &amp; ' .. args.P2 .. ' ' .. args.bracket_year_left ..
elseif args.P4 ~= '' then
args.P3 .. args.bracket_year_right;
if is_year (args.P4) then
result = table.concat ({args.P1, ', ', args.P2, ' &amp; ', args.P3, ' ', args.bracket_year_left, args.P4, args.bracket_year_right}); -- three names and a year
result = table.concat ({args.P1, ' et al.'}); -- four names
elseif args.P3 ~= '' then
if is_year (args.P3) then
result = table.concat ({args.P1, ' &amp; ', args.P2, ' ', args.bracket_year_left, args.P3, args.bracket_year_right}); -- two names and a year
result = table.concat ({args.P1, ', ', args.P2, ' ', ' &amp; ', args.P3}); -- three names
elseif args.P2 ~= '' then
if is_year (args.P2) then
result = table.concat ({args.P1, ' ', args.bracket_year_left, args.P2, args.bracket_year_right}); -- one name and year
result = table.concat ({args.P1, ' &amp; ', args.P2}); -- two names
result = trim( args.P1; -- .. ' ' .. args.bracket_year_left .. args.P2 ..one name
args.bracket_year_right )
-- when author-date result ends with a dot (typically when the last positional parameter holds 'n.d.')
-- and when no in-source location (no |p=, |pp=, or |loc=)
-- and when the first or only character in args.postscript is a dot
-- remove the author-date result trailing dot
-- the author-date result trailing dot will be replaced later with the content of args.postscript (usually a dot)
if ('.' == result:sub(-1)) and ('.' == args.postscript:sub(1)) and ('' == args.page) and ('' == args.pages) and ('' == args.location) then
result = result:gsub ('%.$', '');
if args.ref ~= 'none' then
if args.ref ~= ""'' then
result = "table.concat ({'[[#" ..', mw.uri.anchorEncode (args.ref), .. "'|" ..', result, .. "']]"'});
result = "table.concat ({'[[#CITEREF" ..', mw.uri.anchorEncode (table.concat ({args.P1 .., args.P2 .., args.P3 .., args.P4 .., args.P5})), .. "'|" ..', result, .. "']]"'});
if args.page ~= ""'' then
result = table.concat ({result .., args.page_sep .., args.page});
elseif args.pages ~= "" ''then
result = table.concat ({result .., args.pages_sep .., args.pages});
if args.location ~= ""'' then
result = result .table.concat "({result, "', ..', args.location});
result = table.concat ({args.bracket_left .., result .., args.bracket_right .., args.postscript}):gsub ('%s+', ' '); -- strip redundant spaces
return result;
function f.harvard_core( frame )
local args = {};
local pframe = frame:getParent();
--[[--------------------------< A R G S _ F E T C H >---------------------------------------------------------
args.bracket_left = pframe.args.BracketLeft or "";
args.bracket_right = pframe.args.BracketRight or "";
Because all of the templates share a common set of parameters, a single common function to fetch those parameters
args.bracket_year_left = pframe.args.BracketYearLeft or "";
from frame and parent frame.
args.bracket_year_right = pframe.args.BracketYearRight or "";
args.postscript = pframe.args.Postscript or "";
local function args_fetch (frame, ps)
local args = args_default; -- create a copy of the default table
local pframe = frame:getParent(); -- point to the template's parameter table
for k, v in pairs (frame.args) do -- override defaults with values provided in the #invoke: if any
args[k] = v;
args.postscript = pframe.args.postscript or pframe.args.ps or ps;
if 'none' == args.postscript then
args.postscript = '';
args.page = pframe.args.p or pframe.args.page or '';
args.pages = pframe.args.pp or pframe.args.pages or '';
args.location = pframe.args.loc or '';
args.ref = pframe.args.ref or pframe.args.Ref or '';
for i, v in ipairs ({'P1', 'P2', 'P3', 'P4', 'P5'}) do -- loop through the five positional parameters and trim if set else empty string
args[v] = (pframe.args[i] and mw.text.trim (pframe.args[i])) or '';
return args;
args.page = pframe.args.Page or "";
args.pages = pframe.args.Pages or "";
args.location = pframe.args.Location or "";
args.page_sep = pframe.args.PageSep or "";
args.pages_sep = pframe.args.PagesSep or "";
args.ref = pframe.args.REF or "{{{REF}}}";
args.P1 = trim( pframe.args.P1 ) or "";
args.P2 = trim( pframe.args.P2 ) or "";
args.P3 = trim( pframe.args.P3 ) or "";
args.P4 = trim( pframe.args.P4 ) or "";
args.P5 = trim( pframe.args.P5 ) or "";
return core( args );
--[[--------------------------< H A R V A R D _ C I T A T I O N >----------------------------------------------
common entry point for:
{{harvard citation}} aka {{harv}}
{{Harvard citation no brackets}} aka {{harvnb}}
{{Harvard citation text}} aka {{harvtxt}}
Distinguishing features (brackets and page separators) are specified in this module's {{#invoke}} in the respective templates.
local function harvard_citation (frame)
local args = args_fetch (frame, ''); -- get the template and invoke parameters; default postscript is empty string
return core (args);
function f.harvard_citation( frame )
local args = f.args_default;
pframe = frame:getParent();
--[[--------------------------< S T R I P _ U R L >------------------------------------------------------------
args.bracket_left = "(";
args.bracket_right = ")";
args.page = pframe.args.p or pframe.args.page or "";
args.pages = pframe.args.pp or pframe.args.pages or "";
args.location = pframe.args.loc or "";
args.ref = pframe.args.ref or pframe.args.Ref or "";
args.P1 = trim( pframe.args[1] ) or "";
args.P2 = trim( pframe.args[2] ) or "";
args.P3 = trim( pframe.args[3] ) or "";
args.P4 = trim( pframe.args[4] ) or "";
args.P5 = trim( pframe.args[5] ) or "";
used by sfn() and sfnm(). This function fixes an issue with reference tooltip gadget where the tooltip is not displayed
return core( args );
when an insource locator (|p=, |pp=, |loc=) has an external wikilink that contains a # character
strip uri-reserved characters from urls in |p=, |pp-, and |loc= parameters The researved characters are:
local function strip_url (pages)
local escaped_uri;
if not pages or ('' == pages) then
return pages;
for uri in pages:gmatch ('%[(%a[%w%+%.%-]*://%S+)') do -- for each external link get the uri
escaped_uri = uri:gsub ("([%(%)%.%%%+%-%*%?%[%^%$%]])", "%%%1" ); -- save a copy with lua pattern characters escaped
uri = uri:gsub ("[!#%$&'%(%)%*%+,/:;=%?@%[%]%.%%]", ''); -- remove reserved characters and '%' because '%20' (space character) is a lua 'invalid capture index'
pages = pages:gsub (escaped_uri, uri, 1); -- replace original uri with the stripped version
return pages;
function f.harvard_citation_no_bracket( frame )
local args = f.args_default;
pframe = frame:getParent();
--[[--------------------------< S F N >------------------------------------------------------------------------
args.page = pframe.args.p or pframe.args.page or "";
args.pages = pframe.args.pp or pframe.args.pages or "";
args.location = pframe.args.loc or "";
args.ref = pframe.args.ref or pframe.args.Ref or "";
args.P1 = trim( pframe.args[1] ) or "";
args.P2 = trim( pframe.args[2] ) or "";
args.P3 = trim( pframe.args[3] ) or "";
args.P4 = trim( pframe.args[4] ) or "";
args.P5 = trim( pframe.args[5] ) or "";
entry point for {{sfn}} and {{sfnp}}
return core( args );
local function sfn (frame)
local args = args_fetch (frame, '.'); -- get the template and invoke parameters; default postscript is a dot
local result = core (args); -- go make a CITEREF anchor
-- put it all together and then strip redundant spaces
local name = table.concat ({'FOOTNOTE', args.P1, args.P2, args.P3, args.P4, args.P5, strip_url (args.page), strip_url (args.pages), strip_url (args.location)}):gsub ('%s+', ' ');
return frame:extensionTag ({name='ref', args={name=name}, content=result});
function f.sfn( frame )
--[[--------------------------< S F N M >----------------------------------------------------------------------
local args = f.args_default;
for k, v in pairs( frame.args ) do -- for {{sfnp}}, override default with values provided in the #invoke:
common entry point for {{sfnm}} and {{sfnmp}}
Distinguishing features (brackets) are specified in this module's {{#invoke}} in the respective templates.
local function sfnm (frame)
local args = args_default; -- create a copy of the default table
local pframe = frame:getParent(); -- point to the template's parameter table
local n = 1; -- index of source; this is the 'n' in na1, ny, etc
local first_pnum = 1; -- first of a pair of positional parameters
local second_pnum = 2; -- second of a pair of positional parameters
local last_ps = 0; -- index of the last source with |nps= set
local last_index = 0; -- index of the last source; these used to determine which of |ps= or |nps= will terminate the whole rendering
local out = {}; -- table to hold rendered sources
local footnote = {'FOOTNOTE'}; -- all author, date, insource location stuff becomes part of the reference's footnote id; added as we go
for k, v in pairs (frame.args) do -- override defaults with values provided in the #invoke: if any
args[k] = v;
while true do
pframe = frame:getParent();
if not pframe.args[table.concat ({n, 'a1'})] and not pframe.args[first_pnum] then
break; -- no na1 or matching positional parameter so done
if pframe.args[table.concat ({n, 'a1'})] then -- does this source use named parameters?
for _, v in ipairs ({'P1', 'P2', 'P3', 'P4', 'P5'}) do -- initialize for this source
args[v] = '';
for i, v in ipairs ({'P1', 'P2', 'P3', 'P4', 'P5'}) do -- extract author and year parameters for this source
args.postscript = pframe.args.postscript or pframe.args.ps or ".";
args[v] = pframe.args[table.concat ({n, 'a', i})] or ''; -- attempt to assign author name
if 'none' == args.postscript then
if '' == args[v] then -- when there wasn't an author name
args.postscript = '';
args[v] = pframe.args[table.concat ({n, 'y'})] or ''; -- attempt to assign year
break; -- done with author/date for this source
args.page = pframe.args.p or pframe.args.page or "";
args.pages = pframe.args.pp or pframe.args.pages or "";
args.location = pframe.args.loc or "";
args.ref = pframe.args.ref or pframe.args.Ref or "";
args.P1 = trim( pframe.args[1] ) or "";
args.P2 = trim( pframe.args[2] ) or "";
args.P3 = trim( pframe.args[3] ) or "";
args.P4 = trim( pframe.args[4] ) or "";
args.P5 = trim( pframe.args[5] ) or "";
else -- this source uses positional parameters
local result = core( args );
args.P1 = mw.text.trim (pframe.args[first_pnum]); -- yes, only one author supported
local name = "FOOTNOTE" .. args.P1 .. args.P2 ..
args.P2 = (pframe.args[second_pnum] and mw.text.trim (pframe.args[second_pnum])) or ''; -- when positional author, year must also be positional
args.P3 .. args.P4 .. args.P5 .. args.page .. args.pages .. args.location;
for _, v in ipairs ({'P3', 'P4', 'P5'}) do -- blank the rest of these for this source
result = frame:extensionTag{ name = "ref", args = {name=name}, content=result };
args[v] = '';
first_pnum = first_pnum + 2; -- source must use positional author and positional year
return result;
second_pnum = first_pnum + 1; -- bump these for possible next positional source
args.postscript = pframe.args[table.concat ({n, 'ps'})] or '';
if 'none' == args.postscript then -- this for compatibility with other footnote templates; does nothing
args.postscript = '';
args.ref = pframe.args[table.concat ({n, 'ref'})] or ''; -- alternate reference for this source
args.page = pframe.args[table.concat ({n, 'p'})] or ''; -- insource locations for this source
args.pages = pframe.args[table.concat ({n, 'pp'})] or '';
args.location = pframe.args[table.concat ({n, 'loc'})] or '';
table.insert (out, core (args)); -- save the rendering of this source
for k, v in ipairs ({'P1', 'P2', 'P3', 'P4', 'P5'}) do -- create the FOOTNOTE id
if '' ~= args[v] then
table.insert (footnote, args[v]);
for k, v in ipairs ({'page', 'pages', 'location'}) do -- these done separately so that we can strip uri-reserved characters from extlinked page numbers
if '' ~= args[v] then
table.insert (footnote, strip_url (args[v]))
last_index = n; -- flags used to select terminal postscript from nps or from end_ps
if '' ~= args.postscript then
last_ps = n;
n = n+1; -- bump for the next one
local name = table.concat (footnote):gsub ('%s+', ' '); -- put the footnote together and strip redundant space
args.end_ps = pframe.args.postscript or pframe.args.ps or '.'; -- this is the postscript for the whole not for the individual sources
if 'none' == args.end_ps then -- not an original sfnm parameter value; added for compatibility with other footnote templates
args.end_ps = '';
local result = table.concat ({table.concat (out, '; '), (last_index == last_ps) and '' or args.end_ps});
return frame:extensionTag ({name='ref', args={name=name}, content=result});
return f;
--[[--------------------------< E X P O R T T A B L E >------------------------------------------------------
return {
harvard_citation = harvard_citation,
sfn = sfn,
sfnm = sfnm,